Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Village Improvement

It's been another busy year for the Village Improvement volunteers and further progress made on a number of fronts. It's been 5 years since the group was set up and it's only when you look back at the village in 2011 that you appreciate how much work has been done.  This is actually possible thanks to the wonder that is Google streetview which shows how the village was in c2008.

Once of the main projects this year was the construction of the 3 new village entrance features and signs which were made possible by the group's fundraising efforts, donations and funding from the County Council.  The group are particularly grateful for the craftsmanship of stonemason Denis Hogan and the local workers who lent a hand in preparing the ground and preparing the flowers. The sign has again raised the matter of the different official spelling of “Tooraneena” and the common spelling - “Touraneena”.  It was decided to graciously accept the official signs but there might be a call for a plebiscite on whether to adjust the second “o” in due course. 

The Village Improvement group also managed to purchase a new tractor lawnmower which will ease the workload on the large open space area at Cois Broe which had been cut by our members Maurice and Ber.  The flowers on the school bank and the planters through the village been beautifully nurtured over the summer.  A big thanks to all those who helped this year and hopefully next year will see the same again.

The Village Improvement committee was well represented on the Sliabh gCua 1916 Commemoration Committee which arranged the 3 new flagpoles and a plaque in the village.

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